We regularly receive questions about which books are available on certain subjects. Since we've been collecting books about Border Collies and dogs in general for some time, we thought it would a good idea to welcome you to our bookcase.
Click on the title of a book to see details, a photo and a short description.
Due to the popularity of the breed some Border Collies are bought for the wrong reasons. This book takes a look at all opinions about the Border and asks critical questions about the how and why of purchasing this breed. Various problems are covered and solved if possible. In order to satisfy the need for activity the various sports are explored and discussed how to use these to prevent problems.
The fact that a book is in this list does not imply that we necessarily agree with the contents of it. The list with books is merely informative; we do not want to push you into buying any of these books. The fact that a book is not in the list only means that we either do not have the book yet or that we didn't get to including it in the list.
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