BlessChesphoni Natural Nimble

Pedigree Number NHSB 3296027
Pedigree Name Chesphoni Natural Nimble
Name Bless
Gender Female
Coat Colour Black/white and tan
Date of birth 25 January 2023

Test Results

HD (26 August 2024) A
LTV (22 August 2024) 0

Coat colour inheritance

at/at Has tan markings, will produce only carriers of tan markings
B/b Carrier of brown, will produce 50% carriers of brown
D/d Carrier of dilute, will produce 50% carriers of dilute


Eiri Greme Moss

HD: A, DNA CEA: Carrier

Nice of you to Come Bye Tri Sky High

HD: A; NBW 35, ED: 0/0

Nice of you to Come Bye Tri Bfore U Die

HD: A; NBW 40, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Pioneer Painted Prairie von der kleinen Arche

HD: A, ED: 0-0, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA CL: Normal

Nice of you to Come Bye Redwick Rebel

HD: A; NBW28, DNA TNS: Carrier, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA EAOD: Carrier

Nice of you to Come Bye Sweet Sister

Clinical Eye test: Free, HD: A

Imadeit uit Huize ter Beuken

HD: B, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, ED: 0-0

Nice of you to Come Bye Be Quick

HD: A; NBW33, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal
