BilboNice of you to Come Bye Push my Button

Pedigree Number NHSB 3133701
Pedigree Name Nice of you to Come Bye Push my Button
Name Bilbo
Gender Male
Coat Colour Brown/white and tan
Date of birth 6 September 2018

Test Results

Clinical Eye test (11 August 2021) Free
Clinical Eye test (24 February 2023) Free
DNA CLNormal
DNA DHNormal
DNA DMNormal
DNA MDR1Normal
DNA SNNormal
HD ( 9 December 2019) A NW32.5

Coat colour inheritance

at/at Has tan markings, will produce only carriers of tan markings
b/b Is brown, will produce only carriers of brown


Nice of you to Come Bye Push my Button

DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, HD: A NW32.5, DNA CL: Normal, DNA MDR1: Normal, DNA DM: Normal, DNA BCG: Normal, DNA SN: Normal, DNA EAOD: Normal, DNA DH: Normal, Clinical Eye test: Free, Clinical Eye test: Free

Kitacan's Kyesko

HD: B1, ED: 0-0, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA CL: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, DNA DM: Normal, DNA DH: Normal, DNA EAOD: Normal, DNA BCG: Normal, DNA SN: Normal, DNA MDR1: Normal

Expresso des Hauts de Malforet

HD: A2, DNA CEA: Normal

Comebyanaway Not So Sweet

HD: B1, DNA CEA: Normal

Comebyanaway Will He Weave

HD: 5-4, DNA CEA: Normal

Red Instead at Comebyanaway

HD: 5-6, DNA CEA: Normal

Nice of you to Come Bye Next Top Model

HD: A; NBW 38, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, DNA BCG: Normal

Come Bye You Are Nice of Silent Storm

HD: A; NBW 40, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Undecided, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA BCG: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, DNA DM: Normal, DNA EAOD: Normal, DNA CL: Normal, DNA SN: Normal, Clinical Eye test: Free, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA MDR1: Normal, DNA DH: Normal

Diagemtas Quince

HD: B2, ED: 0-0, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA MDR1: Normal, DNA CL: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Gingerbell Never Silent Storm

HD: A2, ED: 0-0, DNA CL: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Nice of you to Come Bye Frost Front

HD: A; NBW38, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal

Nice of you to Come Bye Be Quick

HD: A; NBW33, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal
