MowNice of you to Come Bye Peanut Butter

Pedigree Number NHSB 3181402
Pedigree Name Nice of you to Come Bye Peanut Butter
Name Mow
Gender Male
Coat Colour Brown/white and tan
Date of birth 29 December 2019

Test Results

HD (30 August 2021) A; NBW40.0

Coat colour inheritance

at/at Has tan markings, will produce only carriers of tan markings
b/b Is brown, will produce only carriers of brown


Xtreme Gulden Land

HD: A, ED: 0:0, OCD: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA CL: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA MDR1: Normal, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Free, DNA DM: Normal, DNA DH: Normal, DNA EAOD: Normal, DNA BCG: Normal, DNA SN: Normal

Astra Fox


Astra Nuts

HD: A; NBW 38, Clinical Eye test: Free, Gonioscopy: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA IGS: Normal, Clinical Eye test: Free

Ben the Bear

HD: 5-6, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Astra Dubh

HD: 6-5, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Astra Tay

DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal