FaylinnNice of you to Come Bye Storm Spotter

Pedigree Number NHSB 2765954
Pedigree Name Nice of you to Come Bye Storm Spotter
Name Faylinn
Gender Female
Coat Colour Blue merle
Date of birth 26 September 2009

Test Results


Coat colour inheritance

M/m Is merle, will produce 50% merles


Nice of you to Come Bye Storm Spotter

HD: A, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Leatare Wynono

HD: A-A, ED: 0-0, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA CL: Normal

Bekkis Virtuoso

HD: 2-8, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Laetare Ju Bilant

HD: 0-0, DNA CEA: Normal

Rosmarinus Silver Chase

HD: A, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Rosmarinus The Werryman

HD: 8:7 (UK), DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Rosmarinus Mulberry

HD: 7:5 (UK), DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Nice of you to Come Bye Be Quick

HD: A; NBW33, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Liza's Border Ouzo Red

HD: A, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Carrier

Tarrynden Freelander

HD: A, DNA CEA: Normal

Liza's Border Kenya Red

HD: A, DNA TNS: Normal

Arnpriors Come and Be Nice

HD: A; NBW31, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Carrier, DNA TNS: Carrier

Merledaze Can't Wait Won't Wait at Upanova

HD: 6:7, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Carrier

Ghostland Ebony at Falconmoor

HD: 7:7, DNA CEA: Carrier