FeyNice of you to Come Bye With A Wish

Pedigree Number NHSB 2668152
Pedigree Name Nice of you to Come Bye With A Wish
Name Fey
Gender Female
Coat Colour ee Red/white
Date of birth 8 August 2007
Date of death 20 January 2022

Test Results

DNA CEACarrier

Coat colour inheritance

e/e Is EE Red, so will produce EE Red carriers


Nice of you to Come Bye With A Wish

HD: A, DNA CEA: Carrier, DNA TNS: Normal

Pawtails the Sundowner at Bryning

HD: 2:2 (BVA UK), DNA CEA: Carrier, DNA CL: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Pawtails Hot Buttered

DNA CEA: Carrier

Woombye Sunkist

DNA CEA: Carrier, DNA TNS: Normal, DNA CL: Normal

Rhonabwy Awsome Lady

HD: A; NBW25, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal, Clinical Eye test: Free